▶ vocabulary
[LDOCE]▶ word
all the words that someone knows or uses
Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary.
active vocabulary (= the words someone can use)
passive vocabulary (= the words someone can understand, but does not use)
all the words in a particular language
English has the largest vocabulary of any language.
[LDOCE]word は、dog や cat のような意味を持つ1つ1つの単語を意味してて、vocabulary は、ある言語の全ての単語や、ある言語で使える単語などのまとまり(語彙)を意味しているのですね。ナルホド。
the smallest unit of language that people can understand if it is said or written on its own
Write an essay of about five hundred words.
I know the tune, but not the words.