違いが分からなかったので、久々に lang-8 で聞いてみました。
"It feels like" is often used synonymously with "It seems like", "It seems as though..", "I think that..", while on the other hand, "I feel like.." is used to refer to something that you want to do or how you are feeling.ふむふむ...
Example: "I feel like watching a movie" means, "I want to watch a movie". Make sense?
In addition to Elvia's explanation, "It feels like~" can also be used to describe external feelings.
For example, if someone where to put a snail on your arm, you would said "it feels gross," because you can feel it on your skin. "It feels like wet clay, disgusting!"
Alternatively, "I feel like~" can be used to express internal feelings or desires.
For example, if you don't like the smell of sea food you might say, "I feel nauseous!" or "I feel like I'm going to be sick!"
It feels like ~ は、印象などについて言う場合に使って、 I feel like ~ は、感情(気持ち)についていう場合に使うっぽい。
"It feels like ~" is used to describe my impressions.よかった。合ってた(笑)
"I feel like ~" is used to describe my feelings.
Is this right?
Yes! That is right! I'm glad to help!
"I" がつくほうが"私が感じてる(気持ち)"ってニュアンスになるのかな?