busy 以外で忙しいを言うと?(その2)

  1. be run off your feet
  2. burn the midnight oil
  3. burn the candle at both ends

be run off your feet
I have been run off my feet all week.

be rushed/run off your feet - LDOCE
to be very busy


burn the midnight oil
I have been burning the midnight oil.

burn the midnight oil - LDOCE
to work or study until late at night

直訳の「夜用のランプに火をつける」 という意味から、「遅くまで仕事や勉強をする」という意味になるようです。

burn the candle at both ends
I have been burning the candle at both ends.

burn the candle at both ends - LDOCE
to get very tired by doing things until very late at night and getting up early in the mornings


busy 以外で忙しいを言うと?
I have a lot on my plate. の意味は?

